About Us

About ABDC

Aziz Bashardost Construction & Design

In today’s era of seamless economic and social engagement with ignores nationalities, political boundaries and geographical distance, ABCDC is truly one national community. It ’s considerable Professional Civil Maintenance Quality , Design and safety, research and Evaluation, Maintenance and support team stands behind its customers to provide them high quality service in order to satisfy our customers rank the high profile construction company across the country.

Our focus on people and relationships, and our uncompromising commitment to health and safety allows us to acquire some of the best talent in the Construction. Our knowledgeable and talented personnel set us apart from the competition with an unrivaled attention to detail and level of care. Our experienced team of professionals is able to tackle any job while adhering to the highest standards of safety and quality

Digging & Overwork
Our Mission

Aziz Bashardost Construction & Design Company is committed to build long-term relationships based on integrity, performance, value, and client satisfaction. To provide superior services to our clients by pursuing continuous innovation, training and education in the construction & engineering industries.

The best and leading company in Asia region within incremental long-term relationships based on integrity,
performance, value, and client satisfaction by 2020.